chapter reviews the overall progress of this project. It includes problems and
limitations encountered during the development of this project. Recommendation
for future enhancements will also be discussed.
7.1 Problems and Limitations
This project focuses on producing a
web database system model for the medium size organizations. The system model
will act as a reference model for organization’s information system. A
prototype of the system was successfully developed using the data model
generated. The Apache server, MySQL and PHP are quite stable and can be
recommended for a medium size system. However there are still some minor
problems and limitations discovered such as below:
ü The prototype system is built for and
tested on Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 browser. Some of the text and illustration may have
inconsistency on Netscape Navigator 4.0.
ü Although the system can cover a wide
area of scope but the actual focus is only on user management, maintenance of
equipments, inventory management, assigning system for user. Due to time
constrained, several items such as the project management and detailed network
management are not developed.
ü Test methodology to validate the
system model is limited to test for accuracy and correctness.
ü The system can run with better
performance under Linux environment than windows environment. Because Apache
have better performance with Linux.
7.2 Recommendations for Future
order to overcome the limitations mentioned above, several suggestions are
recommended. The suggestions are as below:
ü The later version of Netscape
Navigator may produce a consistent text and illustration.
ü The system can be extended to include
other processes such as the project management system and the enhanced network
management system.
ü More reliable test methodologies
should be created in order to validate the accuracy and correctness of the
developed system model.
ü A critical survey evaluation might be
very useful to get better recommendations to improve the system.
7.3 Summary
project has achieved the target, which is to generate a web database system
model for medium size organizations. Several suggestions for the enhancement of
this system have also been recommended for the future development of this
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