This chapter briefly discusses the approach used in Expert Tracking Maintenance System for medium sized organizations. It covers the Unified Approach (UA) methodology and a brief description of a Unified Modeling Language (UML).

3.1  Unified Approach

The Unified Approach (UA) is a methodology for software development that is proposed by the author Ali Bahrami (1999). The UA, based on methodologies by Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson, tries to combine the best practices, processed, and guidelines along with the Object Management Group’s unified modeling language. The unified modeling language (UML) is a set of notations and conventions used to describe and model an application. However, the UML does not specify a methodology or what steps to follow to develop an application; that would be the task of the UA. The heart of the UA is Jacobson’s use case. The use case represents a typical interaction between a user and a computer system to capture the users’ goals and needs. In its simplest usage, you capture a use case by talking to typical users and discussing the various ways they might want to use the system. The use cases are entered into all other activities of the UA.

The UA establishes a unifying and unitary framework around their works by utilizing the UML to describe the model and document the software development process. The idea behind the UA is not to introduce yet another methodology. The main motivation here is to combine the best practices, processes, methodologies, and guidelines along with UML notations and diagrams for better understanding of  object-oriented concepts and system development.

Figure 3.1: The processes and components of the unified approach                                             Source: Ali Bahrami (1999).

The unified approach to software development revolves around (but is not limited to) to the following processes and concepts. The processes are:

1.     Use-case driven development

2.     Object-oriented analysis

3.     Object-oriented design

4.     Incremental development and prototyping

5.     Continuous testing

The UA allows iterative development by allowing you to go back and forth between the design and the modeling or analysis phases. It makes backtracking very easy and departs from the linear waterfall process, which allows no form of back tracking.

             i.      Object-Oriented Analysis

Analysis is the process of extracting the needs of a system and what the system must do to satisfy the users’ requirements. The goal of object-oriented analysis is to first understand the domain of the problem and the system’s responsibilities by understanding how the users use or will use the system. It concentrates on describing what the system does rather than how it does it. Separating the behavior of a system from the way it is implemented require viewing the system from the user’s perspective rather than that of the machine. OOA process consists of the following steps:

1.     Identify the Actors.

2.     Develop a simple business process model using UML Activity diagram.

3.     Develop the Use Case.

4.     Develop interaction diagrams.

5.     Identify classes.

           ii.      Object-Oriented Design

Booch, provides the most comprehensive object-oriented design method. Ironically, since it is so comprehensive, the method can be somewhat imposing to learn and especially tricky to figure out where to start. Rumbaugh et al.‘s and Jacobson et al.’s high-level models provide good avenues for getting started. UA combines these by utilizing Jacobson et al.’s analysis and interaction diagrams, Booch’s object diagrams, and Rumbaugh et al.’s domain models. Furthermore, by following Jacobson et al.’s life cycle model, we can produce designs that are traceable across requirements, analysis, design, coding, and testing. OOD Process consists of:

1.     Designing classes, their attributes, methods, associations, structures and protocols, apply design axioms.

2.     Design the Access Layer

3.     Design and prototype User interface

4.     User Satisfaction and Usability Tests based on the Usage/Use Cases

5.     Iterated and refine the design

        iii.      Iterative Development and Continuous Testing

You must iterate and reiterate until, eventually, you are satisfied with the system. Sine testing often uncovers design weaknesses or at least provides additional information you will want to use, repeat the entire process, taking what you have learned and reworking your design or moving on the prototyping and retesting. Continue this refining cycle through the development process until you are satisfied with the results. During this iterative process, your prototypes will be incrementally transformed into the actual application. The UA encourages the integration of testing plans from day 1 of the project. Usage scenarios can become test scenarios; therefore, use case will drive the usability testing. Usability testing is the process in which the functionality of software is measured.

3.2  Using UML for Object-Oriented Development

 UML is the current notation of choice for most enterprise application developers. The UML formally incorporates Use Case as a modeling technique for defining functional system requirements. Jacobson introduced the technique in his Object-oriented Software Engineering approach (Jacobson et al 1992).

With the industry adoption of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), developers using object-oriented approaches now have a common, high-level modeling notation for defining and designing their systems (ARTiSAN Software Tools, 1998).  The popularity of UML has caused it to be promoted as a notation for business modeling, as well as its original purpose of modeling Object-oriented (OO) systems (Eugene, 2001).

The UA uses UML to describe and model the analysis and design phases of system development.


3.2.1    Introduction to UML

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is, as its name implies, a modeling language and not a method or process. UML is made up of a very specific notation and the related grammatical rules for constructing software models. UML in itself does not prescribe or advise on how to use that notation in a software development process or as part of an object-oriented design methodology  (Spark, 2000). There are varieties of diagrams used in UML. Table 3.1 describes several diagrams used in UML. 

Table 3.1: Several diagrams in UML

UML Diagram


Use Case Diagram

Displays the relationship among actors and use cases.

Class Diagram

Models class structures and content using design elements such as classes, packages, and objects. It also displays relationships such as containment, inheritance, associations, and others.

State Diagram

Displays the entire sequence of states that an object undergoes in response to received stimuli, together with the object's responses and actions

Sequence Diagram

Displays the time sequence of the objects participating in the interaction. This consists of the vertical dimension (time) and horizontal dimension (different objects).

Collaboration Diagram

Displays an interaction organized around the objects and their links to one another. Numbers are used to show the sequence of messages.

Activity Diagram

Displays a special state diagram where most of the states are action states and most of the transitions are triggered by completion of the actions in the source states. This diagram focuses on flows driven by internal processing.

Component Diagram

Displays the high-level packaged structure of the code itself. Dependencies among components are shown, including source code components, binary code components, and executable components.

Package Diagram

Shows how classes can be divided into modules. It also displays the high-level relationships between packages, of the system, or a specific subsection.

Deployment Diagram

Displays the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software components, processes, and objects that reside within them.


UML provides us with a very simple approach to modeling the system requirements. There are two primary views of the problem that help the developers analyze and organize a clear definition of the basic functionality of the system. Through Use Case Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams we can easily model most of the system requirements. The result of these two graphical views is a rather complete specification of   the system functions, a general description of the processing involved in each function, a first cut at the objects involved in providing the functionality, and a general scheme for the communication between the objects. . (ARTiSAN Software Tools, 1998)

UML diagrams, which are often proposed for business process modeling, are the Use Case Diagram and the Activity Diagram. A Use Case Diagram shows processes in a non-sequential representation, while Activity Diagrams show sequence in a manner similar to a flowchart. The UML allows the Activity Diagram to be used to depict procedural flow of control in several contexts, from Classes and Operation implementations to Use Case (Eugene, 2001).

3.2.2    Use Case Diagrams

Ivar Jacobson developed the use-case model. The use-case focuses on the requirements of a system rather then the way a system will actually be designed (Williams, 1997). This makes it a valuable tool when communicating with non-programmers such as customers and marketing executives (Douglass, 1997).

In the UML, Use Cases are the primary means of capturing system functionality from the user perspective, and often may replace a 'functional requirements' document (Larman, 2001).

A Use Case represents an interaction between an actor (human or machine) and the system in performing meaningful work.  Example of meaningful work is login to system, register with system and create order. Each Use Case has a description, which describes the functionality that will be built in the proposed system. A Use Case may 'include' another Use Case's functionality or 'extend' another Use Case with its own behavior.  Figure 3.7 depicts the use case diagram.

Included Use Case will be called every time the basic path is run. An example may be to list a set of customer orders to choose from before modifying a selected order - in this case the <list orders> Use Case may be included every time the <modify order> Use Case is run. One or more Use Cases may include a Use Case, so it helps to reduce duplication of functionality by factoring out common behaviour into Use Cases that are re-used many times. One Use Case may extend the behaviour of another - typically when exceptional circumstances are encountered. For example, if before modifying a particular type of customer order, a user must get approval from some higher authority, then the <get approval> Use Case may optionally extend the regular <modify order> Use Case.

Figure 3.2: Example of a use case diagram – Hotel reservation

3.2.3    Sequence Diagrams

Sequence Diagrams capture the processing associated with particular Use Case functions. The purpose of sequence diagrams is to display the interaction between users, screens and object instances within the system. They provide a sequential map of message passing between objects over time. Frequently these diagrams are placed under Use Cases or Components in the model to illustrate a scenario, or common set of steps followed in response to an event that generates an outcome. The model includes what initiates activity in the system, what processing and changes occur internally and what outputs are generated. Often, the object instances are represented using special stereotyped icons. Icons exist for boundary objects, controllers and persistent entities.   The notation used is typically a horizontally deployed set of actors and object instances, each having a vertical lifespan bar. Messages are drawn from one object to another with an arrow indicating the direction of flow.   The example diagram Figure 3.8 below demonstrates some features of Sequence diagrams. Note the use of stereotyped icons to display particular objects: for example the user interface (Login Screen) is displayed with a Boundary stereotype and the User as an Entity stereotype. These help visually differentiate object roles during analysis.


Figure 3.3: Example of a sequence diagram

3.2.4    Collaboration Diagram

A collaboration diagram describes interactions among objects in terms of sequenced messages. Collaboration diagrams represent a combination of information taken from class, sequence, and use case diagrams describing both the static structure and dynamic behavior of a system.

3.2.5    Activity Diagrams

Activity diagrams are used to show how different workflows or processes in a system are constructed, how they start, the many decision paths that can be taken from start to finish and where parallel processing may occur during execution. An Activity diagram generally does not model the exact internal behaviour of a software system (like a sequence diagram does) but rather it shows the general processes and pathways at a high level. Often it is used to model business activities (such as Selling Books or Manage Inventory), and may be at a very high level.

Standard UML notation uses a rectangle with rounded corners to depict an Activity. Activities may be joined by process flows or events. In addition, a Decision node can model divergent behaviour based on a condition. Typically a Start and End node are defined to complete the full Activity representation. Synchronization points may also be defined to illustrate how processing may be carried out in parallel, then synchronized at a point before further activity is undertaken. Example 3.9 below illustrates most of these points – it describes the process surrounding the acquiring of a beverage from a vending machine. The rounded rectangles are Activities, the diamonds are Decision points and the horizontal black bars are synchronization points.

Figure 3.4: Example of an activity diagram

3.2.6    Class Diagrams

A Class is a standard UML construct used to detail the pattern from which objects will be produced at run-time. A class is a specification - an object an instance of a class. Classes may be inherited from other classes (that is they inherit all the behaviour and state of their parent and add new functionality of their own), have other classes as attributes, delegate responsibilities to other classes and implement abstract interfaces.

The Class Model is at the core of object-oriented development and design - it expresses both the persistent state of the system and the behaviour of the system. A class encapsulates state (attributes) and offers services to manipulate that state (behaviour). Good object-oriented design limits direct access to class attributes and offers services, which manipulate attributes on behalf of the caller. This hiding of data and exposing of services ensures data updates are only done in one place and according to specific rules - for large systems the maintenance burden of code which has direct access to data elements in many places is extremely high. The class is represented as Figure 3.10 below: 

Figure 3.5: Example of a class diagram

3.3            The Layered Approach to Software Development

 Most systems developed with today’s CASE tools or client-server application development environments tend to lean toward what is known as two-layered architecture: interface and data. In a two-layered system, user interface screens are tied to the data through routines that sit directly behind the screens; for example, a routine that executes when you click on a button. With every interface you create, you must re-create the business logic needed to run the screen. The routines required to access the data must exist within every screen. Any change to the business logic must be accomplished in every screen that deals with that portion of the business. This approach results in objects that are very specialized and cannot be reused easily in other projects.

A better approach to systems architecture is one that isolates the functions of the interface from the functions of the business. This approach also isolates the business from the details of the data access. Using the three layered approach, you are able to create objects that represent tangible elements of your business yet are completely independent of how they are represented to the user (through an interface) or how they are physically stored (in a database). The three-layered approach consists of a view or user-interface layer, a business layer, and an access layer.

3.3.1 The Business Layer

               The business layer contains all the objects that represent the business (both data and behavior). This is where the real objects such as Order, Customer, Line item, Inventory, and Invoice exist. Most modern object-oriented analysis and design methodologies are generated toward identifying these kinds of objects.

The responsibilities of the business layers are very straightforward: Model the objects of the business and how they interact to accomplish the business processes. When creating the business layer, however, it is important to keep in mind a couple of things. These objects should not be responsible for the following:

Ø     Displaying details. Business objects should have no special knowledge of how they are being displayed and by whom. They are designed to be independent of any particular interface, so the details of how to display an object should exist in the interface (view) layer of the object displaying it.

Ø     Data access details. Business objects also should have no special knowledge of “where they come from”. It does not matter to the business model whether the data are stored and retrieved via SQL or file I/O. The business objects need to know only to whom to talk about being stored or retrieved. The business objects are modeled during the object-oriented analysis.

A business model captures the static and dynamic relationships among a collection of business objects. Static relationships include object associations and aggregation. For example, a customer could have more than one account or an order could be aggregated from one or more line items. Dynamic relationships show how the business objects interact to perform tasks. For example, an order interacts with inventory to determine product availability. An individual business object can appear in different business models. Business models also incorporate control objects that direct their processes. The business objects are identified during the object-oriented analysis. Use cases can provide a wonderful tool to capture business objects.


3.3.2 The User Interface (View) Layer

          The user interface layer consists of objects with which the user interacts as well as the objects needed to manage or control the interface. The user interface layer is also called the view layer.

This layer typically is responsible for two major aspects of the applications:

Ø     Responding to user interaction. The user interface layer objects must be designed to translate actions by the user, such as clicking on a button or selecting from a menu, into an appropriate response. That response may be to open or close another interface or to send message down into the business layer to start some business process; remember, the business logic does not exist here, just the knowledge of which message to send to which business object.

Ø     Displaying business objects. This layer must paint the best possible picture of the business objects for the user. In one interface, this may mean entry fields and list boxes to display an order and its items. In another, it may be a graph of the total price of a customer’s orders.

     The user interface layer’s objects are identified during the object-oriented design phase. However, the requirement for a user interface or how a user will use the system is the responsibility of object-oriented analysis. Use cases can provide a very useful tool for understanding user interface requirements.

3.3.3 The Access Layer

          The access layer contains objects that know how to communicate with the place where the data actually reside, whether it be a relational database, mainframe, Internet, or file. Regardless of where the data actually reside, the access layer has two major responsibilities:

Ø     Translate request. The access layer must be able to translate any data-related requests from the business layer into the appropriate protocol for the data access. (For example, if Customer number 55552 needs to be retrieved, the access layer must be able to create the correct SQL statement and execute it.

Ø     Translate results. The access layer also must be able to translate the data retrieved back into the appropriate business objects and pass those objects back up into the business layer.

3.4            Summary

Unified Approach methodology have five important phases, which are the  Use-case driven development, Object-oriented Analysis, Object-oriented Design, Incremental development and Prototyping, and Continuous Testing. Diagrams are used to represent as much of the data model as possible. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a language for specifying, constructing, visualizing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system. The UML has helped a great number of organizations to manage complexity by providing a common language for creating and communicating the design of complex software systems. Organizations that utilize the UML spend less time describing problems and more time building and implementing robust software solutions.