This project is initiated and the fulfillment of course Project (TZ6996) as one of the graduation requirements for MSc-Information Technology in University Utara Malaysia. The purpose of this project is to generate a model of a Web-based database system for medium-size organizations. The Unified Approach methodology is used and for the notation the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is chosen. A prototype system named Expert Tracking and Management System has also been developed. The model is defined to acts as a reference model of the organization's Tracking and management system.

This chapter gives an overview of organization’s requirements, brief explanation about Database, Model and web database application and further discusses the problem statement, objectives, project scope, hardware and software requirements of the project.

1.1  Overview of Organization

X Sdn Bhd is Software Development Company, mainly involved in developing web database system. They have a lot of projects under development, Example. Decoin Bill Payment System for Jabatan Bekalan Air Selangor, SAP system for MIMOS Berhad and Equipment Tracking and Maintenance System etc.

1.2  The Requirements

Most of the medium and large organizations have more than hundreds of staff using workstation, printer and other equipments. They have various departments and different type of users/staff. However, they are still using paper-based maintenance for managing equipments and assigning system for user’s request. Expert tracking and management system could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization’s functions. This system is able to record and deliver right and precise information at the right time to the right person from anywhere. It will provide more efficient support service to the administration and all the staff in an organization. It will eliminate the paper-based workloads that are more time-consuming and inefficient where records might be lost or damaged. The records will be saved in the database, and could be accessed via the Web browser.  All the records is well organized and easier to manage in a database. 

This study has identified the basic functions of any organization as outline below:

                    i.            Create and maintain User personal details of the user

                  ii.            Create a system request by the user

                iii.            Create a Maintenance request by the user

               iv.            Create and maintain record for system request

                 v.            Create and maintain Report for Maintenance request

               vi.            Create and maintain inventory record

             vii.            Create and maintain network records

           viii.            Create and maintain technical staff records

               ix.            Produce list of MOS assigned for users

                 x.            Produce individual details of particular MOS

               xi.            Produce individual details of each stock

             xii.            Produce different list of users according to the search made.

           xiii.            Produce all users lists of an organization

           xiv.            Produce individual user’s details

These requirements are needed by the Administration, Maintenance, and Network Department in assisting them to manage the organization.

1.3  Database, Model and Web Database Application

There are several reasons an organization may want to use a database in their Web applications.

Ř     To better manage the serving of large document-based information repositories to internal and external users of the information.

Ř     To better leverage and use legacy database systems, the information they contain, and existing applications.

Ř     To unlock the potential of unused data held in organizational databases. Data from databases within various parts of an organization (for example, finance, human, resources, project management, and so on) can be consolidated using Web-based applications and served to users as though it were from a single source.

Ř     To extend the functionality of your Web server so that information you maintain may be made available to the general public and internal user- a task currently being undertaken by many organizations and government agencies whose primary product is information.

Ř     To extend the functionality of your Web server so that new and expanded services can be provided to visitors of the Web site.

          This study used MySQL relational database management system to implement the web-based database model for an organization. MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust Structured Query Language (SQL) database server. It supports interactive and non-interactive use. Besides that MySQL is a free Open Source software and functions as a client/server system that supports different back ends, several different client programs and libraries, administrative tools, and a programming interface (MySQL Reference Manual for version 3.23.38)

A web-based database application is one of the hottest and most lucrative web development areas recently (Antelman, 1999).  It is an integration of Web Server, Database and Web Application Server.

There are several popular server-side scripting languages available today. An increasingly popular solution is the Open Source PHP. PHP is a server-side, cross-platform scripting language similar to ASP that interfaces with the free MySQL database, as well as others. Like ASP, it is designed for developers with programming experience but has the advantage of being free and platform independent (Antelman, 1999). PHP allows for rapid development of dynamic, database-driven applications. One of PHP's major strengths is its ability to connect with many different databases, including Sybase, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Mssql or  MySQL (Sterling, 2001).

The logic of a good database design, and then the application server's linking of its various components for display, will pull the site together and add to its overall coherence and ease of use. A dynamic site is tighter, more accurate and timely, and far easier to manage (Antelman, 1999).

Typically, design representations are maintained as relational or object oriented schemas, to exploit the capabilities of database management systems, or as semi structured objects, to cope with information having partial or missing schemas (Florescu et al., 1998).

The UA is a methodology for software development that is proposed by the author Ali Bahrami (1999). The UA, based on methodologies by Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson, tries to combine the best practices, processed, and guidelines along with the Object Management Group’s unified modeling language. The UML is a set of notations and conventions used to describe and model an application. However, the UML does not specify a methodology or what steps to follow to develop an application; that would be the task of the UA. The heart of the UA is Jacobson’s use case. The use case represents a typical interaction between a user and a computer system to capture the users’ goals and needs. In its simplest usage, you capture a use case by talking to typical users and discussing the various ways they might want to use the system. The use cases are entered into all other activities of the UA.

1.4  Problem Statement

Most of the medium sized organization still uses manual/paper based system for maintenance, system request, assignment of the system to user and user details management. Otherwise some of them have a standalone database with little function. They use the database to store details, but for maintenance, assignment of the system to user is still manual system in use. Therefore they need to have a system that can eliminate their current inefficient and imperfection.

          This study contends that the usage of a web based database model for organization will help to solve the problems and issues mentioned above.

1.5  Objectives

The objectives of this project are:

                                i.            To provide accurate knowledge of user details

                              ii.            To provide online system request based on their status.

                            iii.            To provide Instantaneous and accurate knowledge of your equipments maintenance.

                           iv.            To assure that problems will be reported fully and accurately. User-friendly entry.

                             v.            To provide knowledge of current usage and operating location of all systems or equipment location with a simple click of the mouse.

                           vi.            To facilitate Assigning, managing, and tracking task of technicians.

                         vii.            To provide the latest information on equipment status.

1.6  Project Scope

A model of web-based database was developing to be used by Organization. The project scope will be on Maintenance of Equipment, Tracking Equipment Assigning Equipments for user, User Management and Inventory system.

1.7  Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Ř     A PC with Pentium III processor as the host

Ř     64MB Memory (128MB recommended)

Ř     A hard disk with 200 MB of free disk space

Ř     A VGA or SVGA monitor, with appropriate graphic card

Ř     A mouse or other pointing device

Ř     Network communication media

Software Requirements

Ř     Microsoft Windows 98 or Windows2000

Ř     Apache Web Server

Ř     PHP

Ř     MySQL database

Ř     Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later

Ř     PHP coder or Notepad

Ř     Macromedia Dreamweaver 4

Ř     Adobe Photoshop 6.0

Ř     HTML

Ř     Rational Rose2000 Enterprise Edition

1.8  Summary

Currently, this system is widely used by big organizations only, as the medium-sized organizations could not afford it. Because of the use of an open source package, this system could be useful for medium-sized companies. It is also hoped that this project would enhance organizations management information systems and the development of an effective Equipment Tracking and Maintenance system.